Click HERE to see photos of some of the fish caught at Castaic Lake on our
Lunker Landing: Brag Wall.
Fishing Rules
Fishing from docks, launch ramps is NOT allowed.
Fishing from the dam is permitted, within the designated areas.
Additional Fishing Rules and Regulations

24 Hour Fishing Pier
Castaic Lake has a 24 hour Fishing Pier with a fish cleaning station located off the Lake Hughes Rd. lower lake campground entrance.
Fishing OUTSIDE OF PARK HOURS in any other location, unless otherwise permitted, is PROHIBITED.
Fishing Tips
Winds on the upper lake move nutrients towards the dam, where fish look for food. Fishing from the dam is allowed.
Lures that resemble trout catch Striped Bass.
Cast near shady areas on sunny days.
Cast in deeper waters on colder days in places with no shade.
Rock piles, docks, reeds and submerged trees are favorite “hang-out” locations for most fish.
“The drop-off” between shallow and deep water is often populated by fish.
The most popular lures are trout or shad imitations, and work well for both Striper and Large Mouth bass.
Bass prefer water that is 60 to 75 degrees. If it is warmer or colder, bass will move to deeper water.
Cut bait such as anchovies, sardines, mackerel, and frozen shad also work well, when the fishing slows down.
Night Crawlers are a good go to bait for those who "bait and wait" as well.
Castaic Lake’s water temperature ranges from low 50’s in the winter to upper 70’s in the summer.
In the spring and fall, fish in the shallow coves.
During the summer and winter seasons, fish in deeper water.
Black Bass Limits
Effective March 1st, 2015 the new legal black bass limit will be 5 fish at 15 inches for Castaic Lake. These regulations can be found in Title 14, California Code of Regulations, section 5.00.
Get all regulations at www.wildlife.ca.gov/Regulations
Castaic Landings - Boat Rentals & Fishing Supplies
Located at the Upper Lake Main Launch Ramp on Lake Hughes Rd., you may Rent an aluminum boat or purchase fishing supplies
Follow the link for more information Castaic Landings.
Rental Office: (661) 775-6232
Fishing Club Links

Fish Stocking
The California Department of Fish and Game seasonally stocks Castaic Lake with trout from autumn to spring. Two days a year, the Dept. of Fish and Game allows fishing without a license (call them for exact dates). These days usually fall on the first Saturday in June and the last Saturday in September. All other fishing rules and regulations apply.
For more information call:
Stock Dates:(562) 594 - 7268
General Info:(562) 342 - 7100
or visit: www.wildlife.ca.gov