Aquatic Invasive Species Inspections
Invasive Species Program - Now Being Enforced!!
** Mandatory Inspections. All boats and non-motorized watercraft will be inspected prior to launching. **
Zero Tolerance! Boats Must be 100% dry!
Do Not Run Water through your engine/motor before coming to the lake.
If it is not 100% dry, your boat will fail the inspection and not be allowed to launch for 7 days.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Code Section 2302 requires Castaic Lake & Pyramid Lake to:
1) Assess the vulnerability of the lake for the introduction of nonnative dreissenid mussel species.
2) Develop and implement a program designed to prevent the introduction of nonnative dreissenid mussels speies.
For Questions about the Castaic Lake & Pyramid Lake Program email: quagga@parks.lacounty.gov
For additional information visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Invasive Species Program web page.